Grant Award: $14,000
Funding Category: Travel Assistance
“With COVID and job security running rampant, this grant helped ease parents’ concerns on cost in regards to making sure their kid could travel and participate in something their team earned. We were able to represent the Clearwater area across many different venues with our teams being able to travel. With 7 teams receiving the grant and an average of 12 players per team that would be 84 players, 21 coaches, and the parents of those 84 players were impacted by these funds.” Jerry King, President of the Clearwater Lady Bombers.
With this assistance, the Lady Bombers had 7 teams travel to the USSSA Road to the Beach National Championships, many for the the first time in team history. These events allow the young athletes to meet and compete with great teams from across the country, while developing friendships with them, the umpires, and directors.