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Grant FAQ

Organizations new to the CFY Grant Program are encouraged to contact our office via phone or email to set up an initial consultation to discuss eligibility. We are always seeking new organizations making an impact in the lives of Pinellas County children to add support toward their main season of operation.

No, CFY works only through the organization and its president or other authorized board members. It is the responsibility of the organization to make eligible participants/families aware of the option to enroll in the program at no cost or a reduced fee.
All participants currently attending a Pinellas County Title One School (see below) are eligible, as indicated on the CFY Registration Scholarship Ledger. No other personal information from the family is required.

The Equipment Supplement and Travel Assistance funding categories are available to competitive programs/teams to apply. Each of these areas offer 50% matching to funds specifically generated in support of the request.
The CFY Grant Program is geared toward recreational programs (i.e. no tryouts required, lower registration costs, local games/competitions) to encourage a broad demographic of children to play without the added stress, expense, and exclusivity of competitive programming – in many instances, helping those children to try a variety of activities before pursuing competitive programs later in life.
Grants are awarded to competitive programs on occasion based upon the discretion of the CFY Grants Committee. If your competitive program/team is in need of assistance, please contact for more information.

Yes; Though repeat funding is not guaranteed, the grant program is structured so that organizations may apply for assistance throughout the year as needed in whichever funding category may be applicable at the time of application. Please see the CFY Grant Guidelines to review maximum annual funding amounts for each category.
The CFY Grant Program is designed to help keep registration fees low, offer aid in times of need, and support the growth of youth organizations. Acquiring and providing evidence of matching funds encourages organizations to remain active through other fundraising efforts, which helps to keep leadership engaged and supports the sustainability of the organization by not becoming reliant on CFY as a sole funder.
Upon approval, the organization will receive a CFY Partnership Agreement outlining the terms of the reciprocal partnership between CFY and the grantee. This will include an ACH Authorization Form, which must be completed using the organization’s operating account where funds will be directly deposited, except in the case of Equipment Supplement Grants which must be paid directly to the vendor.
In most cases, funding will be provided within 15 days following the execution of the Partnership Agreement, which is sent immediately upon approval following the nearest Board of Trustees meeting – see Grants Page or our calendar for meeting schedule.
There could be many factors contributing to a grant turn-down, depending on the funding category of the request. The good news is that our goal is to get groups to “yes” and to serve as a resource to those impacting the youth to the best of our ability; in other words, the process does not simply end at a denied grant request. You can expect consistent communication from our staff clarifying the decision and guiding toward getting your group the assistance needed. Questions are always welcome via email, phone, or in person meetings.
The Grant Impact Report is required by every group receiving a CFY grant for EACH award received; i.e. 3 awards received in a year = 3 separate reports. These reports help tell the CFY story by specifying where and how the funds were used and the effects they had on program participants, thus the community. You will receive notification to complete the report via email within 90 days of the conclusion of the season for which funding was awarded. Submissions are reviewed by the staff and used on the CFY website and other marketing outlets.
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