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Carter's Gift

Carter's Story

Carter was two when he drowned, becoming one of the nearly 4,000 children that drown annually. Carter’s family gave life in their time of loss to children in need of organ transplants. Michael received his liver “The Perfect Match” just a week shy of six months after being diagnosed with Biliary Atresia at four months old. Michael’s family stepped up and donated $500 in the name of their son’s donor Carter. CFY is honored to build this partnership with the two families to facilitate the water-safety program so that no family must go through losing a child due to accidental drowning. 

fred fisher
Water Safety Program Cost:

per schools 2-week program 
water safety instructor
$ 0 +
$ 0 +
Water Safety Swim Shirts
$ 0 +
Other Swim Materials
$ 0 +
Water Safety Staff thank you meal
$ 0 +
program cost per school per session
$ 0 +


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