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FYI… CFY has a new look!

During these trying times, while the global pandemic has limited programming and tested spirits, we made the conscious decision to take this opportunity to recharge and re-energize the Clearwater For Youth branding.

For years we have been represented by a badge which we have worn proudly as a representation of our commitment to our young athletic community. Today, we are very excited to share with you brand new logos and a refreshed website that we are confident reinforce that commitment, while further illustrating a brighter future we see for CFY and the communities we are honored to serve.

In these new graphic representations, we see energy, sunshine, varsity lettering, youthfulness, and stars beaming with the hopefulness of our young leaders of tomorrow. Through an updated look and more functional resources, we honor a history of supporting our community with one simple mission: to ensure all children have access to athletics and character-building programs.

Times are changing. Things appear different all around us. With these modifications, we hope it is clear that our vision remains constant, as it has for 54 years. Families will need us now more than ever, and we are prepared to adapt our strategies to reinforce our dedication to them. Our duty to support the healthy growth and development of their children, the stars of our organization, inspires us to reach higher.

Please visit the new site and our platforms regularly. Our goal is for them to become a place of gathering and goodwill testament. As always, we thank you for your unfaltering support of Clearwater For Youth.

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